

Orbán's political jackpot: migration and the Hungarian electorate

Article by András Bíró-Nagy, Director of Policy Solutions has been published in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

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Hungarian Politics in 2020

Review and forecast of politics, economy and society in Hungary

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Understanding the Orbán-Vučić Relationship

This article by András Bíró-Nagy and James Hare discusses the relationship between the two leaders in the context of Hungary-Serbia relations as well as discussing their shared approaches to politics, both in a domestic and European context.

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The prospects of green-left politics in Hungary

This publication presents the opportunities for green-left politics in Hungary in the context of the economic and social crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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„Vor 1990 haben wirbesser gelebt": Umfrage 30 Jahre nach der Wende offenbart politische Nostalgie im heutigen Ungarn

German summary of our analysis about how Hungarians see the regime change of 1989-1990 after 30 years

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Orbán 10 - Zehn Jahre Orbán-Regierung in den Augen der ungarischen Wähler_innen

German summary of our analysis about how Hungarians see the 10 years of Orbán government

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State of Populism in Europe 2020

This volume presents the work of Policy Solutions and FEPS over the last year, reviewing the trends and the most important activities of populist parties in the EU member states.

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30 years on – Public opinion on the regime change in Hungary

The aim of this research was to explore the views of the Hungarian society about the regime change of 1989-1990 after 30 years.

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What is the European Dream?

Survey on European Dreams for the Future of Europe

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Orbán 10 - How do Hungarians evaluate the last 10 years of Hungary?

This research reveals what the Hungarian society thinks about the last ten years of the Orbán government.

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Hungarian Politics in 2019

Review and forecast of politics, economy and society in Hungary

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Dissatisfied voters in Hungary

Analysis by András Bíró-Nagy on the main concerns of dissatisfied voters and their assessment about the work of the governing parties and the opposition.

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State of Populism in Europe - 2018

This volume presents the work of Policy Solutions and FEPS over the last year, reviewing the trends and the most important activities of populist parties in the 28 EU countries.

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Progressive Answers to Populism

Why Europeans vote for populist parties and how Progressives should respond to this challenge

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Hungarian Politics in 2018

Review and forecast of politics, economy and society in Hungary

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Populism Report on Sweden

Analysis of the Sweden Democrats by Håkan A BENGTSSON

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Populism Report, July - September 2018

After the surge of European populists in the first half of 2018, the third quarter has been once again a blooming period for populist forces which seems to be worrying for the mainstream parties less than a year before the next European Elections.

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The Hungarian Dream

What kind of future do Hungarians dream of for themselves and their country?

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Populism Report - April-June 2018

The state of populism in the European Union in Q2 2018

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The Hungarian Fear

In this research study, Policy Solutions and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung have sought to find out how pervasive and dominant a sense of fear is in Hungarian society.

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About Us

Policy Solutions is a progressive political research institute based in Budapest. It was founded in 2008 and it is committed to the values of liberal democracy, solidarity, equal opportunity, sustainability and European integration. The focus of Policy Solutions’ work is on understanding political processes in Hungary and the European Union. Among the pre-eminent areas of our research are the investigation of how the quality of democracy evolves, the analysis of factors driving euroscepticism, populism and the far-right, and election research. 



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