

How green can this country become?

Green parties are on the rise in European politics. LMP is hoping to ride the wave that is taking the German Greens from one electoral success to the next.

In the search for lost voters

A growing number of voters refuse to name a party they would support, sending Fidesz and the entire political class a warning message. Fidesz’s popularity is reminiscent of a hot-air balloon with a small leak – the helium is gradually oozing out, slowly bringing the balloon from stratospheric heights back towards the ground.

A fair weather opposition?

The demonstrations of March 15th were above all an opportunity to demonstrate strength. As was expected, Fidesz succeeded. Surprisingly, the left-of-centre opposition displayed impressive strength in the streets for the first time in years. As of yet, this opposition is not willing to align itself politically.

Constituting the Revolutionary Republic

Even though Fidesz has moved relatively swiftly in presenting its draft of the constitution, in light of the fact that it wants to have it passed by the end of April it does not leave much time for actually debating it.

"Balanced" in the balance

Balanced was one of the most prominent buzzwords in politics in the past few months. The requirement of balanced news production was the most vociferously attacked aspect of the controversial media law, in large part because the term provides the Media Council with an overbroad mandate to request changes in news production. At Policy Solutions, we...

The Big Constitutional Brainstorming

Still almost two months to go until the final parliamentary vote on the new Hungarian constitution, but we already bet that none of the opposition parties will support the governing parties’ draft basic law. Fidesz has offered unprecedented concessions to LMP, but in light of the impractical conditions of the opposition parties, consensus is highly...

Preparing for austerity

The Prime Minister caused some surprise when he chose not to specify his government’s eagerly awaited economic reforms, but simply prepared the ground for them. Orbán might not only leave the bad news for others but also tries hard to divert the attention from the most delicate issues.

Accountability: from stardom to early retirement?

With three largely unknown, but nevertheless major players behind bars, albeit only briefly, and further major targets in sight, the accountability machine finally graduates to the big leagues. Yet, there is a distinct possibility that it won’t stay there.

No alternatives to Fidesz in sight

Fidesz’ dominant position is largely unchallenged, the opposition has failed to exploit the government’s weaknesses to improve its standing in the polls. There are some shadows for Fidesz, but at this point there are no strong indications that it might face strong competitors in the short run.

Dual citizenship at its logical conclusion

Politically, Fidesz stands to gain a lot by giving suffrage to newly minted Hungarian citizens across the border. Still, the opposition will be in a tough spot because Fidesz is right to argue that generally speaking, citizenship does not tend to be decoupled from suffrage.


About Us

Policy Solutions is a progressive political research institute based in Budapest. It was founded in 2008 and it is committed to the values of liberal democracy, solidarity, equal opportunity, sustainability and European integration. The focus of Policy Solutions’ work is on understanding political processes in Hungary and the European Union. Among the pre-eminent areas of our research are the investigation of how the quality of democracy evolves, the analysis of factors driving euroscepticism, populism and the far-right, and election research. 



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