

Orbán’s Fidesz and the European Elections: Unexpected domestic challenges, ambitious European goals

Orbán’s Fidesz and the European Elections: Unexpected domestic challenges, ambitious European goals

Article by András Bíró-Nagy to Hope Not Hate's special report on the 2024 European elections.

Hungarian parliamentary elections 2022

Hungarian parliamentary elections 2022

Policy Solutions analysis about the reasons behind the re-election of Viktor Orbán's Fidesz party.

Hungarian Politics in 2021

Hungarian Politics in 2021

“Hungarian Politics in 2021”, the annual review of Policy Solutions has been published.

New publication - Orbán’s political jackpot: migration and the Hungarian electorate

New publication - Orbán’s political jackpot: migration and the Hungarian electorate

Article by András Bíró-Nagy, Director of Policy Solutions has been published in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Understanding the Orbán-Vučić Relationship

Understanding the Orbán-Vučić Relationship

This article discusses the relationship between the two leaders in the context of Hungary-Serbia relations as well as discussing their shared approaches to politics, both in a domestic and European context.

State of Populism in Europe 2020

State of Populism in Europe 2020

Our joint yearbook with FEPS on the state of populism in Europe has been published.

Populism: is it transforming Europe's politics?

Populism: is it transforming Europe's politics?

We cordially invite you to our upcoming Webinar "Populism: is it transforming Europe's politics?", which will be held on Zoom on Thursday, 2nd July 2020, 15:30 – 17:00 CET.

Hungarian Politics in 2019

Hungarian Politics in 2019

“Hungarian Politics in 2019”, a joint annual review of Policy Solutions and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has been published.

The State of Populism in Europe 2018

The State of Populism in Europe 2018

The FEPS and Policy Solutions website of reference, the Populism Tracker sees four years of existence. This rich material is then collected in a yearly publication that we have the pleasure to share with you – "The State of Populism in Europe 2018".

New book: Progressive Answers to Populism

New book: Progressive Answers to Populism

The central objective of this book is to offer potential and effective answers to NGOs, politicians or anyone who wants to counter populism.

Springtime for Populism - State of Populism in January-March 2018

Springtime for Populism - State of Populism in January-March 2018

The most recent report on populism in Europe by FEPS and Policy Solutions has just been published.

New book: "The State of Populism in Europe - 2017"

New book: "The State of Populism in Europe - 2017"

This FEPS - Policy Solutions - FES Budapest book surveys the popularity and influence of populist parties in the EU in 2017. Readers can also learn in more detail about the state of populism in five EU countries where elections were held last year.

Conference invitation: The State of Populism in Europe

Conference invitation: The State of Populism in Europe

The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) in collaboration with Policy Solutions and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest cordially invite you to their joint conference, entitled: THE STATE OF POPULISM IN EUROPE IN 2017

„The Flexible Solidarity”  - How Progressive Parties Handled the Migration Crisis in Central Europe 

„The Flexible Solidarity”  - How Progressive Parties Handled the Migration Crisis in Central Europe 

The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and the Policy Solutions political research institute cordially invite you to our joint conference entitled:  „The Flexible Solidarity”  - How Progressive Parties Handled the Migration Crisis in Central Europe 

Fighting Back: Liberal Democratic Responses to the Populist Challenge

Fighting Back: Liberal Democratic Responses to the Populist Challenge

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest, CEU Center for European Neighborhood Studies, Policy Solutions and Political Capital cordially invite you to their joint conference, entitled: ‘Fighting Back: Liberal Democratic Responses to the Populist Challenge’.

New book: The State of Populism in Europe in 2016

New book: The State of Populism in Europe in 2016

The new study of Policy Solutions and FEPS surveys the popularity and the influence of populist parties in the EU’s 28 Member States in 2016. In this new book, we examine the countries in which populist parties were able to achieve real breakthroughs, and those in which they caused ‘more smoke than fire.’

New study: Political discrimination in Hungary

New study: Political discrimination in Hungary

Although political and other types of discrimination are severely prohibited by Hungarian laws, and freedom of expression is a right laid down in the new constitution, it is not uncommon for the Hungarian government to retaliate against those with opposing views – highlights Policy Solutions in its new analysis.

Invitation: Conference on the State of Populism in Hungary and the EU.

Invitation: Conference on the State of Populism in Hungary and the EU.

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Policy Solutions cordially invite you to their joint conference: ‘The State of Populism in the EU and Hungary in 2016’. The objective of our conference to forecast the political changes in Europe based on the trends of populism in 2016. We will also investigate the similarities and the differences between the Hungarian and the western European populism.

PS-FEPS’ new Populism Tracker website was presented in Brussels

PS-FEPS’ new Populism Tracker website was presented in Brussels

The Populism Tracker is a comprehensive website that aims at observing the trends of populism in all the Member States of the European Union. The website allows readers to track the popularity of all European populist parties on the Populism Map, analyse the trends with the help of the continuously updated Populism Graph, and read the studies, researches and analyses on populism published by Policy Solutions, FEPS and their partners.

Invitation: „How are Populist Movements attracting Millennials and why?”

Invitation: „How are Populist Movements attracting Millennials and why?”

Policy Solutions and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) cordially invite you to their joint event, entitled: “Politics and Leadership: How are Populist Movements attracting Millennials and why?”

New study: Jobbik going mainstream. Strategy shift of the far-right in Hungary

New study: Jobbik going mainstream. Strategy shift of the far-right in Hungary

András Bíró-Nagy and Tamás Boros, co-directors of Policy Solutions have published a new analysis on the strategy shift of Jobbik, Hungary's far-right party. The book chapter entitled 'Jobbik going mainstream. Strategy shift of the far-right in Hungary' is a contribution to a new book on the 'Extreme Right in Europe'.

Publication and conference: „The Political Background of the Refugee Crisis in Europe”

Publication and conference: „The Political Background of the Refugee Crisis in Europe”

​An international conference was held by Policy Solutions and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) on 2 June 2016 in Brussels on the political background of the refugee crisis. The purpose of this joint conference was to review how politicians and the society in central and eastern Europe have responded to the current refugee crisis.

Analysis: Beware the Brexit 'tipping point'

Analysis: Beware the Brexit 'tipping point'

Hungary’s populist right acknowledge the damage Brexit will cause. But Prime Minister Orbán should learn the lesson that flirting with Euroscepticism domestically is a dangerous game. The lessons are obvious: if a leader goes too far, it might not be enough to counterweight years of Euroscepticism with a few months of pro-European campaigning. The analysis of András Bíró-Nagy on what Brexit means to Hungary, for Policy Network.

Invitation: "The Political Background of the Refugee Crisis in Europe" conference

Invitation: "The Political Background of the Refugee Crisis in Europe" conference

The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and the Policy Solutions political research institute cordially invite you to our joint conference entitled: The Political Background of the Refugee Crisis in Europe.

POSTPONED - Conference: The Political Background of the Refugee Crisis in Europe

POSTPONED - Conference: The Political Background of the Refugee Crisis in Europe

Due to the attacks in Brussels and the terror level 4, “The political background of the refugee crisis” conference is postponed for a later date. We will keep you updated about the exact date.

Populism and migration: Challenges for the left

Populism and migration: Challenges for the left

European politics has become dominated both by new populist actors and the refugee crisis. If the left is to live up to these two challenges in the coming months and years, it needs to re-establish its capacity to set the political agenda away from questions of immigration and security. Tamás Boros' analysis in the Policy Network Observatory.



We cordially invite you to the joint conference of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Policy Solutions entitled ’Is Populism the new Zeitgeist?’. The conference aims to provide an in-depth investigation on the causes of rising populism and its implications on mainstream politics in Hungary and Europe.

Who are the New Critics of the European Union?

Who are the New Critics of the European Union?

Even before the actual results were tallied, the 2014 elections to the European Parliament were regarded as unique by analysts on account of the anticipated Europe-wide rise in the strength of euro-sceptic and populist parties. The final results bore out analysts’ expectations.

An anti-European campaign in the making

An anti-European campaign in the making

Fidesz has made no secret of its growing dislike of the European Union and especially its representatives. Viviane Reding is only the most recent high profile target in a long series of attacks on the EU and some of its leading politicians.

The populist poker begins

The populist poker begins

It seemed unlikely a few months ago, but Fidesz' star is on the rise. Already towards the end of last year it had managed to halt its steady decline in the polls, and since January it has been expanding its base while the opposition is apparently struggling. This is unsurprising, since Fidesz is resorting to tried and tested methods of financial populism that voters apparently can't get enough of.

Jobbik: slapped for success

Jobbik: slapped for success

The times call for an economically populist agenda, and Jobbik appears to be successfully adapting to this requirement. Drawing on a mix of its own xenophobic/anti-globalisation ideas, Fidesz’ previous opposition rhetoric, and traditional left-wing ideas, it is steadfastly attacking the government’s economic policies. At the same time, a careful process of marginalizing some of the far-right movement’s most radical figures has begun.

For some, Jobbik is all that’s left

For some, Jobbik is all that’s left

According to the latest surveys, Jobbik has gained a few percent in the polls. Like the other two parliamentary opposition parties, however, it is still incapable of attracting a sizeable portion of those disappointed in Fidesz.

Jobbik bides its time

Jobbik bides its time

Making it into the news has become much more difficult for Jobbik now that the novelty of its ascendance has worn off.


Hungarian parliamentary elections 2022

Policy Solutions analysis about the reasons behind the re-election of Viktor Orbán's Fidesz party.

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Hungarian Politics in 2021

Yearbook by Policy Solutions - Review and forecast of politics, economy and society in Hungary

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Orbán's political jackpot: migration and the Hungarian electorate

Article by András Bíró-Nagy, Director of Policy Solutions has been published in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

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Understanding the Orbán-Vučić Relationship

This article by András Bíró-Nagy and James Hare discusses the relationship between the two leaders in the context of Hungary-Serbia relations as well as discussing their shared approaches to politics, both in a domestic and European context.

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State of Populism in Europe 2020

This volume presents the work of Policy Solutions and FEPS over the last year, reviewing the trends and the most important activities of populist parties in the EU member states.

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Hungarian Politics in 2019

Review and forecast of politics, economy and society in Hungary

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State of Populism in Europe - 2018

This volume presents the work of Policy Solutions and FEPS over the last year, reviewing the trends and the most important activities of populist parties in the 28 EU countries.

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Progressive Answers to Populism

Why Europeans vote for populist parties and how Progressives should respond to this challenge

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Populism Report on Sweden

Analysis of the Sweden Democrats by Håkan A BENGTSSON

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Populism Report, July - September 2018

After the surge of European populists in the first half of 2018, the third quarter has been once again a blooming period for populist forces which seems to be worrying for the mainstream parties less than a year before the next European Elections.

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Populism Report - April-June 2018

The state of populism in the European Union in Q2 2018

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Populism Report - January-March 2018

The state of populism in the European Union in Q1 2018

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The State of Populism in Europe - 2017

This FEPS - Policy Solutions - FES Budapest book surveys the popularity and influence of populist parties in the EU in 2017. Readers can also learn in more detail about the state of populism in five EU countries where elections were held last year.

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“The Flexible Solidarity”

Policy Solutions - FEPS study on how progressive parties handled the migration crisis in central Europe

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Populism Report - April-June 2017

The State of Populism in Europe in Q2 2017

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Populism Report - January-March 2017

The State of Populism in Europe in Q1 2017

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Tamas Boros: Options for the left in the time of populism

If there is a single political term which even those indifferent to public life have heard in the past year, it is populism. This paper analyses the possibilities of the European Left in the era of populism.

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Political Discrimination in Hungary

Case Studies from the Hungarian Justice System, Local Government, Media, Agriculture, Education and Civil Sector

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The State of Populism in Europe (2016)

The State of Populism in Europe (2016) book surveys the popularity and influence of all populist parties in the EU’s 28 Member States.

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Populism Report: July-September 2016

During the customarily politically calm summer period – apart from a few striking exceptions – there has been no significant change in the support of populist parties across Europe. Thus, in the third quarter of 2016, the trend of previous periods has con

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Populism Report: April-June 2016

The new analysis of Policy Solutions shows that in the second quarter of 2016 most of the populist parties in Europe still stand at the same level of support as in the previous quarter.

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In the Name of the People : The Performance of the Governing Populist Parties in Europe

Policy Solutions' analysis on the performance of the most popular populist parties in government

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Populism Report: January–April 2016

Policy Solutions' quarterly report of the current state of populist parties in Europe

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More Radical than the Radicals: the Jobbik Party in international comparison

In: Right-wing Extremism in Europe — Country Analyses, Counter-Strategies and Labor-Market Oriented Exit Strategies

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The Political Communication of the Refugee Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe

A study reviewing how politicians in central and eastern Europe have responded to the current refugee crisis.

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The State of Populism in Europe (2015)

The joint study of Policy Solutions and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) that analyses changes in the public support for all relevant European populist parties and the prevailing trends in European populism.

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Tamás Boros: Clash of Values

The Political Background of the Refugee Crisis in Hungary

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How Refugees Halt Fidesz's Decline

The Political Background of the Refugee Crisis In Hungary

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Inequality and populism in the European Union

Data and their interpretation for the FES-Policy Solutions International Think Tank meeting

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Tamás Boros: Rising euroscepticism and potential EU responses

In: Problems of Representative Democracy in Europe

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Who are the New Critics of the European Union?

Euro-sceptism in the European Union and in Hungary - Analysis of the impact of the 2014 elections to the European Parliament

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The Rise of Euroskepticism and Possible Responses prior to the 2014 European Parliament Elections

Policy Solutions' study for the Foundation for European Progressive Studies

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Hungarian Politics In-Depth - Election Edition, 1-15 May 2014

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Hungarian Politics In-Depth - Election Edition, 15-31 March 2014

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An anti-European campaign in the making

Hungarian Politics In-Depth, July, 2013

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The populist poker begins

Hungarian Politics In-Depth, April, 2013

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Euroscepticism in Hungary

An executive summary of Policy Solutions’ study on Hungarian attitudes towards the European Union

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Jobbik: slapped for success

Hungarian Politics In-Depth, 2011, Week 40

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For some, Jobbik is all that’s left

Hungarian Politics In-Depth, 2011, Week 16

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About Us

Policy Solutions is a progressive political research institute based in Budapest. It was founded in 2008 and it is committed to the values of liberal democracy, solidarity, equal opportunity, sustainability and European integration. The focus of Policy Solutions’ work is on understanding political processes in Hungary and the European Union. Among the pre-eminent areas of our research are the investigation of how the quality of democracy evolves, the analysis of factors driving euroscepticism, populism and the far-right, and election research. 



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